February 12, 2012

Weekend Web Love

What a happy Sunday it has been! There's nothing I love more than some quality time spent with my two favorite boys. This unfortunately has not been happening enough lately due to my return to work.  As some of you know, I work in hospitality so while the hubs is at work during the day, I watch H and when he gets home, he watches H and I go to work. Luckily I have been with my job long enough that I hope to get most of the weekends off so I may enjoy my fabulous little family.  The hubby finally started our second attempt of sleep training with H and is doing amazingly! He's got him on an evening schedule that seems to be working well with a walk, dinner, a bath, a book and in the crib by 7-730.  This early bedtime is not only good for H but is also good for us to have a little down time before we start all over again tomorrow.  It's also allowing me back on my computer a bit to say hi to you all, which makes me very happy too!

A few recent photos for you and some links...

Shel Silversteiny anyone?
I want to make larger versions of these and add magnets for my fridge.
Paperless valentines, genius!
If you're feeling uninspired.. swing by this site!
I want to frame this for Hughes' room and do this.
Love this little shop, it's just the cutest!
Smitten with the chevron tile in this kitchen!
Meet Jessica, I am in awe of her craftiness.
A precious little wagon of words, love it!
I wish I could redo my living room.. maybe like this.
I may have to make this for my breakfast tomorrow...Mmmm.
I need to get me some nama rococo!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Love that's sweet face <3 <3 <3. See you soon!! xxxooo